Voluntary work
We support the social commitment of our employees.
Deutsche Telekom considers itself an active member of society and takes responsibility when it comes to social issues.
Digitization is increasingly defining how we live day-to-day and how we relate to our community, As an ICT company, we feel that one of our most important responsibilities is to accompany this transformation. We want to make it possible for everyone to participate equally in the knowledge and information society. Not only do we provide the required network infrastructure and suitable products, we also live our commitment to society in a variety of ways through our Corporate Citizenship program. Among other things, the program focuses on projects that encourage digital education. This is an area where we can contribute our expertise with particular effectiveness through efforts such as our Teachtoday.
We coordinate our social commitment projects across country borders and share our experiences and best practices. We also donate goods and money within the scope of our Corporate Giving program to social and environmental projects as well as disaster aid.
Many of our employees do volunteer work. We support their efforts in a number of ways.
To us, responsible conduct means setting goals and sticking to them. We use KPIs to gauge the success of our efforts, focusing on topics such as media literacy.
We want to make sure that our aid goes where it is needed, which is why many of the projects we support focus on our core expertise – digital communication. A classic example of this is our 25-year partnership with the Nummer gegen Kummer hotline, Germany's largest free advice hotline for children, young people and parents.