Artificial intelligence at Deutsche Telekom
Several hundred AI systems are in use in the Group. Here are a few examples.
Artificial intelligence at Deutsche Telekom
Several hundred AI systems are in use in the Group. Here are a few examples.
Corporate Digital Responsibility
We are creating transparency as to how we at Deutsche Telekom are helping to get society more connected in the long term – every person in all of their individuality.
Guidelines for Artificial Intelligence
These guidelines are self-binding. They define how we as DT want to deal with AI and how we will develop our AI-based products and services in the future.
Do we tumble into a digital future?
Timotheus Höttges underlines the importance of a public discussion on the chances and challenges of the Digitization.
"We need to talk ..."
Following the motto "Are we stumbling blindly into digitization? We need digital responsibility!" we discuss the chances and risks of digitization.