No hate speech
Hate speech online can affect anybody – without preparation or reason but with full force. Deutsche Telekom and FC Bayern call for commitment against it.
Our Future, Our Vote: Telekom Voices on the European Elections
The European elections are just around the corner. We took this opportunity to ask Telekom employees from eight different countries for their opinions on online hate, disinformation, and the EU's impact on their daily lives. Their answers highlight both...
Deutsche Telekom receives multiple awards for its commitment to the digital society
Deutsche Telekom is committed to a digital society in which everyone can participate responsibly and under fair conditions. It aims to raise awareness and empower society through its campaigns. These campaigns have once again received multiple awards for...
Filter Bubble
Filter bubbles lead to receiving information online that corresponds only to one’s own opinion. They arise from algorithms that analyze the activities of users on the internet and pre-select content accordingly. Through this mechanism, other arguments and perspectives are left out, which are important for forming one's own opinion.
The term “shitstorm” describes the sudden and massive occurrence of negative criticism, usually in the form of comments in social media. The cause may be certain statements or actions that displease the public. A shitstorm can hit individuals, but also companies or organizations.
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