
Kerstin Marx

Member of the Supervisory Board since May 1, 2020, appointed until the shareholders' meeting 2028, Chairwoman of the Group Works Council at Deutsche Telekom AG, Bonn.

Kerstin Marx

Year of birth: 1966
Nationality: German

Professional career:

Since May 1, 2020

Chairwoman of the Group Works Council at Deutsche Telekom AG


Deputy Chairwoman of the Group Works Council at Deutsche Telekom AG


Member of the Works Council, released from normal work, at the Central Works Council of T-Systems International GmbH


Employee in the communications team for the Director of Sales at T-Systems International GmbH


Member of the Works Council, released from normal work, at the Business Customer Branch Office in Bielefeld, transfer of operations to T-Systems International GmbH


Employee in Order and Service Management in the Business Customer Branch Office in Bielefeld


Parental leave


Member of the Works Council, released from normal work, at Telecommunications Office 1, Bielefeld


Member of the Staff Council, released from normal work, at Telecommunications Office 1, Bielefeld


Member of the applications office and technical sales advisor at Telecommunications Office 1, Bielefeld

Education and training:

1986 - 1991

Employed as a junior staff member for the medium-grade telecommunications service at Telecommunications Office 1, Bielefeld; 


General higher education entrance qualification at the Caroline-von Humboldt-Gymnasium in Minden, Westphalia

Expertise/professional focal points:
- Specialist in adult education/Works Constitution Act, Risk Management

Seats on the Deutsche Telekom supervisory bodies:
- General Committee
- Audit and Finance Committee
- Nomination Committee
- Mediation Committee

- No other seats -


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