Member of the Supervisory Board since April 7, 2022, appointed until the shareholders' meeting 2026, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of Finance, Berlin.
Year of birth: 1972
Place of birth: Nuremberg
Nationality: German
Career history:
Education and training:
Expertise/Professional focal points:
Law, esp. tax law; tax, fiscal and monetary policy; capital market; federal financial relationships; digitalization; control of corporations (various former seats, e.g., chair of the supervisory board of Hafen Nürnberg-Roth GmbH, deputy member of the board of directors of Landesbank Bayern, member of the supervisory board of NürnbergMesse and Airport Nürnberg).
Seats on the Deutsche Telekom supervisory bodies:
- General Committee
- Strategy, ESG and Innovation Committee
- Nomination Committee
- Mediation Committee
- No other seats -