Deutsche Telekom expects its suppliers to comply with our obligations and principles.
Deutsche Telekom promotes compliance with the law, observance of social, ethical and ecological standards, and sustainable action. We also expect our suppliers to behave in this manner. And of course to monitor its subcontractors to comply with our principles and commitments. We developed an online training to support our suppliers to act correctly.
Online training: Use this web-based tool to find out which key compliance principles apply at Deutsche Telekom and what requirements we place on cooperation with our business partners and suppliers. Click here to get to the online training
Integrity Checks
We expect our business partners to adhere to our compliance principles. In the run-up to a business relationship, we identify our business partners who pose a high compliance risk, e.g. with regard to possible corruption or conflicts of interest. In order to be able to counter these risks appropriately, we examine business partners on a risk-oriented basis with regard to their integrity by an Integrity Check. This Integrity Check also considers human rights related risks and covers with this in relevant cases also the requirements from the German Supply Chain Law (LkSG). For this research we only use publicly available sources and work in accordance with compliance and data protection rules.
Should it become apparent in a business relationship that business partners do not adhere to our standards and violate our obligations and principles, the cooperation will be terminated.